2007.03.18 Roseau MN J R McNeally reports a series of objects with flashing multicolored lights following each other at extreme speed in a northeasterly direction crossing the sky horizon to horizon just above the tree line..
2007.03.06 Dickinson ND B D Hearst reports a bright globular white light flying at about 500 to 1000 feet emitted a small glowing red orb that appeared to probe several ground locations before being reabsorbed by the large white light, which moved slowly off in a roughly northern direction.
2007.02.15 Glendive MT R A Ott reports a metallic saucer-shaped object moving along the treeline bordering Hwy 16. Trees along the path of the object reacted violently as the object passed. Object remained in view for about 30 seconds before ascending at tremendous speed and disappearing into overhead cloud cover.
2007.01.24 Linton ND G G Brooks reports that a set of three blue lights at high altitude independently performed incredible high-speed manouvers covering most of the visible sky before converging into a single white light and imploding.
2007.01.12 Aberdeen SD L D Richards reports that a large triangular craft hovering about 500 feet moved slowly perpendicular to Hwy 12 3 miles north of Littleton before disappearing in a sudden burst of speed in a WSW disection.